3 ways to add a map to your WordPress site

A WordPress site is never really truly complete without a few casual maps. So how do you add maps to your site? Googling it mostly renders pages that list a few WordPress map plugins, which might be perfectly fine for most cases, but let´s widen the scope. Here are a few suggestions:

1) Embed a mapping service

Using this option gives you the freedom to pick any external map you might want. Embedding a map with an embed tag is about as easy as it gets and it´s a quick way of showing where your business is located or the results of your geospatial analysis. One example is embedding Google Maps:

Most users know Google maps, it´s easy to use and it covers most of the earth, but there are several commercial web mapping providers, where you can customize your map and add powerful features.

2) Embed your own custom map

Building your own, custom map, using libraries such as Leaflet, OpenLayers, MapLibre or CesiumJS gives you even more options to design the map, for example custom background maps, map icons, cartography, and functionality. A few basic examples, all hosted on GitHub Pages:

Choropleth map

Using a choropleth (thematic) map allows styling map features to data/statistics.


A map with the volcanoes of the world.

Custom background WMS

Want a specific background map? This example uses a set of custom WMS to choose from.

Using a custom solution is a great option and can be combined with dashboards for interactive statistics/maps.

3) Use a WordPress map plugin

If you do want a WordPress map plugin, there are of course many options: WP Go Maps, 5sec Google Maps PRO, Google Maps CP and tons of others.

Hopefully, this article shows that you have a lot of options to find just the right mapping solution for you WordPress site.

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