Improving the QGIS graphical modeler

I wasn’t totally impressed by the processing model features in QGIS in my previous posts, but just complaining won’t get us very far, so what exactly should be improved? Here is my first batch of suggestions for improving QGIS models:


Drop a dataset directly into the model

Allow drag and drop of files that I want to add. This works in the main QGIS window, in Notepad++ and in several packages on my old Amiga 500, but not for QGIS models. It´s time to change this and I don´t mean selling my Amiga.

Easier to read all of the files in a folder

Why is it such a hassle to read all of the files in a folder? I want to read all of the .gpkg files in “C:\Top secret”, but it´s almost like this task involves compiling the Linux kernel. Some like it, some don´t.

Easier to connect algorithms

Life is too short for connecting algorithms the QGIS way. I have to open each algorithm and select input in a drop-down-list. Sometimes, there are duplicated names, so I have to guess which one to pick. I think I´m wrong close to 100% of the time when trying to guess which duplicate I should pick. Instead, connecting model components should be done visually in the main model window by simply drawing connections, much like in Blender or FME. Of course, this includes adding input and outport ports for the components.

Blender: This is the way to do it.

Show/hide attributes for each dataset for each step in the model

QGIS seems to want to distance itself from my data, making working with it more abstract than it should be. One step in the right direction would be showing the outgoing attributes for each step in the model. That makes it easier to see the effect each tool has.

Count the number of features while running

Where did all of my polygons go? They were there just a second ago and now I can´t find them! Make it easier to follow the data by showing the number of features when running the model.

Counting features as the model run is progressing

Feature cache

QGIS model usually runs fast…when you have a resonable amount of features to handle. Make edits to your model and re-run it in seconds. But what about when you have millions of features that QGIS wants to read and process every time you edit and run your model? Wouldn´t it be useful to introduce a feature cache, in order to speed up reading, editing and processing?

Spreadsheet styling

When writing to a spreadsheet, there are no options for styling the result, so the Excel file looks a bit raw. For starters, it would be useful to be able to set column width and style, so that no manual editing/styling is required after running the model. I spend enough time looking at spreadsheets anyway.

Writing to shreadsheet tabs

Yes, I sometimes split my spreadsheet data in several tabs. Yes, I want a way to configure this in a model.

Moving a bookmark should also move its content

Yes, that´s what I mean.

Allow unattached comments

At times, I want to add a comment that isn´t strictly related to a specific component.


Create features manually

Sometimes, I want to create a single point at specific coordinates or a polygon/box in a model. There should be a tool for manually creating features such as points, lines, polygons, by entering the coordinates.

Move/copy file(s)

When running a model, I sometimes want to copy or move a file, so having an algorithm for this would be useful.

Read JSON and XML, algorithms for JSON and XML

These days, a lot of data is provided as JSON and XML and this should be reflected in the model with tools allowing processing these data sets.


Server side component

So, we have QGIS models, we have qgis_process, but what we don´t have is a server side component, which, together with a web based interface, would add a lot of flexibility. Easily schedule model runs or run a model on demand. Allow upload of models from desktop to server. Prioritize which models to run when server resources are limited. In short, FME Flow.

Really, that´s all?

What about processing IFC and CAD files, Collada and gltf support, improved GUI, creating office documents or sending e-mails from a model, an integrated AI to help me build my models, multi user support and integration with service X and Y? Yes, I want that, and more, as well, but we´ll get to that later on. By the way, most of the suggestions above are already listed on GitHub.

Although QGIS models get better for each new QGIS release, adding this much functionality sums up to countless of hours of development time, more than any single organization will fund. Perhaps a new crowdfunding campaign?

What do you think could be improved in QGIS models?

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