Google has published a huge data set with buildings, found at The data is available in WKT in CSV files, so it needs some basic processing for visualization. Could I use R to manage the whole process in one go?
This script will:
- Download a small sample of the data (southern tip of Spain)
- Unpack the .gz file
- Read the data
- Convert WKT geometries to sf objects
- View the buildings on a map
# Load libraries
library(R.utils) # For unpacking .gz files
# Set working directory
# Download file from
url = ""
destfile = "0d1_buildings.csv.gz"
download.file(url, destfile)
# Unpack .gz file
# Read the unpacked file
csv = read.csv("0d1_buildings.csv", sep=',')
# WKT -> sf object
buildings <- st_as_sf(csv, wkt = "geometry", crs = 4326)
# View result on map
The result? Based on a quick review, my impression is “Not bad, not extraordinary”. Most buildings seem to be found, but the shapes don´t always match, and obviously, it is hard to enrich the building data with attribute data using only satellite imagery.

Polygons seem OK

Polygons ready for a review