Geocoding an address list using R and Nominatim

Knowing how to do geocoding, the process of matching an address with coordinates, is a valuable skill. There are numerous ways of doing it and here is one of them. This R script will:

  • Read a spreadsheet with addresses
  • Process the data
  • Geocode the addresses using the Nominatim service
  • Create a simple map of the geocoded addresses
  • Write the result to a GeoPackage file
# Load libraries

# Set working directory

# Read excel file with address table
address_table <- read_excel("address_table.xlsx")

# Concatenate fields to create full address for Nominatim
address_table$conc_address <- paste(address_table$Address, address_table$Postal_code, address_table$City, address_table$Country, sep = ',')

# Geocode addresses
address_table_geocoded <- address_table %>%
  geocode(conc_address, method = 'osm', lat = latitude , long = longitude)

# Create point geometries from coordinates
addresses_points = st_as_sf(address_table_geocoded, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326)

# View geocoded addresses on a map

# Write points to a GeoPackage file
st_write(addresses_points, "Address_points.gpkg")

This will geocode the addresses and save as points in a GeoPackage file.

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